What you can expect

Preparatory courses are not compulsory for those interested in applying for the full degree study programmes. You can apply directly to your chosen study programme.

  • maximize your chance of passing the entrance examination

  • ease your further university studies

  • support and care when adjusting to a new culture and customs

  • guidance through the admission procedure

  • intensive study of core academic subjects + language (English or Czech)

Institute for Language and Preparatory Studies

Our Institute for Language and Preparatory Studies (UJOP in Czech) organises a wide range of Foundation programmes for your university studies (in Czech and English languages) and Czech language courses for foreign students. Depending on your chosen programme, it typically lasts for one year and includes language lessons, field-specific subjects, support in settling down in a new country, and guidance with administrative processes such as recognition of your previous education or visa application. The fields of study include economics, humanities, engineering, medicine and many others.

Our students can apply to any university in the Czech Republic. Their long term success rate is higher than 90 %.

Faculty courses

Our Third Faculty of Medicine in Prague organises a its own dedicated 5-month long Premedical course.

Our Faculty of Arts offers a special Czech Studies Programme. This rich and sophisticated programme is intended for all non-Czech speakers interested in more than just a language. Each semester consists of around 240 lessons (45-minute long; 20 lessons per week) on various subjects including literature, history, and culture. Students also enjoy many cultural activities and trips. The final Czech Language Certificate Exams with ALTE licence is included in the tuition fee. Prospective students might also consider a single-semester online course Czech for Foreigners Online or Evening courses.

Further options

To further enhance your language skills, you may explore other available learning opportunities of your choice. We recommend going through the options listed on the official website of Prague city (Metropole všech) or in the public database of Czech language lecturers. These options might be also useful for your family members in case you are coming to Czech Republic with children and/or your partner.

Charles University has five faculties of medicine, three of which are in Prague, one in Pilsen and one in Hradec Králové. Prague faculties are named based on the order in which they were established, so the number does not necessarily indicate their prestige or quality.

All faculties are independent institutions of equal standing, each having its own medical facilities and Admissions Offices. They all offer degree programmes in English and the awarded degrees are comparable. The curriculum is fully compatible with the current international standards and is accredited by the European Union.

All medical faculties offer entrance examination in Czechia and abroad through a network of agencies, some also offer online exams.

The key differences then come down to:

  • teaching methods

  • size of the student body

  • student-staff ratio

  • admissions criteria

  • location

  • tuition fees

You can check the faculty profile and the offered study programmes for more details.

Our goal is to offer the same study opportunity to everyone, regardless of their academic backgroud. To give a fair chance to all our applicants, we do not require any particular IB courses, IGCSE (A-levels, O-levels) or any other scores such as SAT etc. as mandatory. Instead, we focus on our in-house entrance exams or we simply evaluate the documents (CV, motivation letter, etc.) submitted during the admissions.

For applicants

Scholarships at Charles University are organised by individual faculties and tied to specific study programmes:

We'd like to encourage you to obtain further scholarships via means such as educational organisations, private beneficiaries, foundations, or through governmental scholarships offered by the Czech Ministry of Education, Youth and Sport (MEYS). You can find an overview of scholarships on the Study in Czechia or Study in Prague websites.

International Visegrad Fund Scholarships

The International Visegrad Fund (IVF) is a joint initiative of the governments of the four Visegrad Group countries (Slovakia, the Czech Republic, Poland and Hungary). It offers scholarships for study abroad, both to students from within the Visegrad group, and to neighbouring countries like Belarus and Ukraine.

The International Visegrad Fund Scholarships comprise of a fixed-rate contribution of EUR 3000 towards the tuition fees (paid direct to the university) plus two lump-sum payments (one for each semester) to help with the living costs. If the tuition fees are higher than the contribution from IVF, students will be expected to cover the balance via other means.

Application deadlines vary, depending on the chosen scholarship. Applications is made directly to the IVF, Charles university does not administer the process.

Scholarships are usually awarded for the first year. Students are expected to fund their second year of study via other means.

For students

Scholarships and financial support for our full-degree students are organised by individual faculties. Most of them offer merit-based scholarships for outstanding students (after the first year of studies) or some other forms of tuition fee reductions. The exact amounts are always set by the internal regulations of the respective faculty.

CU scholarship and bursary rules

Majority of our students also work while studying which helps them to cover the living costs.

Václav Havel Scholarship

This scholarship is intended for international students whose repression in totalitarian, authoritarian, and restricted regimes anywhere in the world makes it difficult or even impossible to study. The purpose is to provide study opportunities to those who have been illegally denied the right to study and/or are oppressed by the state and local authorities. The VH scholarship does not cover the tuition fees but rather to helps with the living costs.

PhD students

As a full-time doctoral student, you will receive a monthly scholarship during the standard length of your studies (3-4 years). The amount of this scholarship depends on the faculty and ranges from CZK 10.500 to CZK 25.000 per month. It is usually supplemented by other sources of income, e.g., by awards for participation in research projects or remuneration for teaching undergraduates.

Emergency situations

In case our students find themselves in an emergency or otherwise difficult position in terms of finances, the Carolina Centre is here to support them. Available bursaries and other means of help, including loans of technical aids or free counselling services, are always listed on their website.

Yes, you can. If you are still working towards your high school or university diploma (or any other certificate), you can still apply for studies at Charles University. Unless specified otherwise, all the recognised documents must be submitted to the faculty by the enrolment date at the latest.

The rules governing admissions do not specify the term “transfer” (nor changing the focus/major of your studies). You would need to apply as a regular applicant, meet the admission requirements, and enter the first year. Only after that, you could eventually ask for the recognition of credits you have already received for identical courses elsewhere (based on your transcript). Their recognition cannot be guaranteed beforehand. Therefore, we recommend you to contact the chosen faculty and consult your options.


Charles University has 5 independent faculties ("schools") of medicine. Only two of them allow transfers under very specific conditions:

Second Faculty of Medicine – TRANSFER CONDITIONS

Third Faculty of Medicine – TRANSFER CONDITIONS

Note that knowledge of the Czech language is required in higher years of study due to the clinical training in hospitals.

Charles University does not have one single central campus. Our facilities are located in four different cities – Prague, Pilsen, Hradec Králové, and Poděbrady. Although some of our 17 faculties (“schools” or “colleges”) have their own campuses, the dorms and canteens are spread around these university cities.

You can ask our student ambassadors for a tour of the faculty they are studying at or join the official Open Door Days. You can also stop by the CU Point, our contact place for information and services, or join any of the virtual office hours.

Currently, we do not offer any online degree programmes. Only some of our postgardaduate study programmes are available in a combined form (part distance learning, part in person).

Yes, you can! As a student, you have the right to work in the Czech Republic while you are studying. Remember that if you are a non-EU citizen, the purpose of your stay must remain as specified on your visa. For more information, visit our university website.

Charles University cooperates with other prestigeous universities worldwide. We encourage our students to study abroad and participate in exchange programmes during their studies. There are many options to choose from and we also provide financial support for all study abroad.

Depending on the chosen study programme, you are expected to fhave at least B2 or C1 level. Holding a fluent conversation is the key to passing the entrance exams. Don't forget to check the specific admission requirements or contact the faculty directly for any further questions.


Weekly schedule requires students to attend lectures, tutorials, seminars, courses, practical training, laboratory classes, consultations etc.


Requires minimum of 80 hours of direct instruction per semester while the rest is conducted remotely.


Mainly remote studies requiring maximum of 80 hours of direct instruction per semester. Teachers usually perform the role of consultant.


Foundation courses prepare students for their future university studies. It's a great option when considering a gap year or if your high school curriculum is missing some of the subjects required for our entrance exams. The courses are not mandatory.


Undergraduate programmes are the entry point to university studies for any high school graduate. The programmes include Bachelor's and ('Long-cycle') Master's options which last for three or five, six years respectively, in case of our medical programmes. Based on the chosen field, graduates receive the title Bc. (baccalarius), MUDr. (medicinae universae doctor), or MDDr. (medicinae dentium doctor) written in front of the name.


Graduate or so-called Follow-up Master's programmes aim at the university graduates who already hold at least a Bachelor's degree in the same or related field of study. That's why they are sometimes also called 'Post-Bachelor'. These programmes allow students to specialise further on their particular area of interest for two years. In case of our LL.M. courses, only one and a half year (i.e., three semesters). Graduates receive the title Mgr. (magister) written in front of the name, or LL.M. (legum magister) written after.


Postgraduate or Doctoral studies are the imagined crown of university education. These demanding study programmes requires from applicants completed Master's level education and a proposal of their research topic. After four years of studies, the graduates receive their Ph.D. title (philosophiæ doctor) so they can pursue further academic endeavours, including postdoc and other research positions.

There is no age restriction for Charles University applicants, regardless of the level of studies.

Yes! Our Carolina Centre helps students with special needs throughout their studies while faculties are able to accommodate even the needs of our applicants. From peer programmes, mentoring, and guidance to scholarships, individual study plans, and additional courses – we have it all. Just ask!